# AnimeGanV2 Style-Transfer Operator Authors: filip ## Overview AnimeGanV2 is a style transfer net that transforms images to looking like they fit in an anime movie. ## Interface ```python __init__(self, model_name: str, framework: str = 'pytorch') ``` **Args:** - model_name: - which weights to use for inference. - supports 'celeba', 'facepaintv1', 'facepaitv2', 'hayao', 'paprika', 'shinkai' - framework: - the framework of the model - supported types: `str`, default is 'pytorch' ```python __call__(self, image: 'towhee.types.Image') ``` **Args:** - image: - the input image - supported types: `towhee.types.Image` **Returns:** The Operator returns a tuple `Tuple[('styled_image', numpy.ndarray)]` containing following fields: - styled_image: - styled photo - data type: `numpy.ndarray` - shape: (3, x, x) - format: RGB - values: [0,1] ## Requirements You can get the required python package by [requirements.txt](./requirements.txt). ## Reference Jie Chen, Gang Liu, Xin Chen "AnimeGAN: A Novel Lightweight GAN for Photo Animation." ISICA 2019: Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and Applications pp 242-256, 2019.